Chapter 1(Digital Design and Computer Architecture)

Chapter 1

generations of computer

  1. Vacuum Tubes
  2. Transistors
  3. SSI/MSI circuits
  4. LSI/VLSI circuit

Components of CPU

  1. Register
  2. Control Unit
  3. ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)

Components of hardware

  1. calculator
  2. memory
  3. controller
  4. I/O devices

BASIC FEATURE of Von Neumann : access memory by address and execute instruction in sequence

The operating system is appeared in the 3rd generation computers

Computer hardware consists of calculator, memory, controller and I/O devices.

System program: operating system, compiler, or utility program

machine language and assembly language can be implemented directly

The Art of Managing Complexity

  • Abstraction

  • Discipline

  • The Three-Y’s





  • Hiding unimportant details
  • Professionals handle professional issues


Intentionally restrict for design choices

The Three-Y’s

  • Hierarchy(层次化)

    A system divided into modules

  • Modularity(模块化)

    Having well-defined functions and interfaces

  • Regularity(规整化)

    Encouraging uniformity, so modules can be easily reused

The Digital Abstraction

Digital abstraction considers discrete subset of values.

  • Focus on 0 and 1
  • Ignore physical meanings
  • make low level abstraction

The Analytical Engine

  • Charles Babbage
  • first digital computer
  • Built from mechanical gears, where each gear represented a discrete value (0-9)
  • Babbage died before it was finished

Number Systems

Decimal numbers


Binary numbers

Hexadecimal numbers

(0~15) :0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F


Bits, Bytes, Nibbles


Overflow judgement

  • SA SB Sf

  • Cf C

  • double sign bit

Data types

Signed Binary Numbers

•‘0’ for positive number

•‘1’ for negative number

•A separate sign bit is placed at msb position

Sign-Magnitude Numbers(原码)

+6 =0110

-6 =1110

  • Addition doesn’t work!!!

  • Two representations of 0 (± 0)

Range :

Two’s Complement Numbers(补码)

The most significant bit still indicates the sign (1 = negative, 0 = positive)


How to flip the sign?

1.Invert the bits

2.Add 1


One’s complement representation(反码)


Increasing Bit Width


•Sign bit copied to msb’s

•Number value is same



•Zeros copied to msb’s

•Value changes for negative numbers

Logic Gates

Single-Input Logic Gates

Two-Input Logic Gates

文章作者: mohan li
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