Chapter 5: Design

Chapter 5 Design

Advanced class modeling


Extends an existing UML modeling element

Stereotypes are the main extensibility technique of UML. In the extensibility task, they are assisted by constraints and tags

Comments and constraints

Advanced generalization and inheritance modeling

Generalization and substitutability

Generalization reduces the number of association and aggregation(聚合) relationships in the model

**Substitutability principle :**a subclass object can be used in place of a superclass object

Inheritance versus encapsulation(封装)

  • Encapsulation

    • Encapsulation refers to the class , not the object
    • Encapsulation demands that an object’s state be accessible only through the operations in the object’s interface.
  • Implementation Inheritance

    • Generalization can be used to imply substitutability, and be realized by an interface inheritance
    • Generalization can also be used to imply code reuse, and be realized by an implementation inheritance
  • The evils of implementation inheritance

    • Fragile base class
    • Overriding and callbacks
    • multiple implementation inheritance

Advanced aggregation and delegation modeling

🍓 Aggregation

Aggregation is a containment relationship

More semantics(语义学) needed

  • “ExclusiveOwns” aggregation
  • “Owns” aggregation
  • “Has” aggregation
  • “Member” aggregation

Generalization vs aggregation

Advanced interaction modeling

Execution specification : The time when the flow of control is focused in an object

Reply message: The return result from a message

Found message: represents a message whose sender is not specified


  • A piece of interaction is called an interaction fragment
  • Interactions can contain smaller interaction fragments called combined fragments
  • The semantics of a combined fragment is determined by the interaction operator

A reference to an interaction from an enclosing interaction is called an interaction use.

Sequence diagrams are the preferred visual tool for interaction modeling. They can be enriched with combined fragments and interaction uses.

文章作者: mohan li
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