Chapter 10(Operating System)

Chapter 10 Scheduling (Multiprocessor)

Classifications of Multiprocessor Systems

•Loosely coupled or distributed multiprocessor, or cluster

•Functionally specialized processors

•Tightly coupled multiprocessor


Independent Parallelism(无约束并行性)


•each user is performing a particular application

•because more than one processor is available, average response time to the users will be less

Coarse and Very Coarse Grained Parallelism

一组运行在a multiprogrammed uniprocessor(单处理器)的并发进程

–can be supported on a multiprocessor with little or no change to user software

Medium-Grained Parallelism

•Single application can be effectively implemented as a collection of threads within a single process

Fine-Grained Parallelism

•Represents a much more complex use of parallelism than is found in the use of threads

Design issues

•assignment of processes to processors(把进程分配到处理器)

需要决定static or dynamic

如果一个进程从被激活到完成,一直被分配给同一个处理器,那么就需要每个处理器维护一个专门的short-term queue, 使用专用处理器允许一种gang scheduling(组调度策略)


  • 为防止这个情况, a common queue can be used, 所有的进程进入这个全局队列,然后调度到任何一个可用的处理器中

  • another option is dynamic load balancing



​ 操作系统的核心功能总是在某个特定的处理器上运行

​ •Master is responsible for scheduling

​ •Slave sends service request to the master

​ •Conflict resolution is simplified because one processor has control of all memory and I/O resources


​ •Kernel can execute on any processor

​ •Each processor does self-scheduling from the pool of available processes

•actual dispatching of a process

•use of multiprogramming on individual processors

Process Scheduling


a multi-server queuing


Thread Scheduling

Load Sharing



  • 处理器很多时,出现bottleneck
  • 抢占线程不太可能在同一处理器上执行
  • it is unlikely that all of the threads of a program will gain access to processors at the same time

Gang Scheduling


Dedicated Processor Assignment



•If a thread of an application is blocked waiting for I/O or for synchronization with another thread, then that thread’s processor remains idle



Dynamic Scheduling


Real-Time Systems

Hard and Soft Real-Time Tasks

Hard必须在ddl之前 否则造成damage


Periodic and Aperiodic Tasks

周期性 非周期性

Characteristics of real time systems

  • Determinism可确定性

  • Responsiveness可响应性

    Determinism is concerned with how long an operating system delays before acknowledging an interrupt. Responsiveness is concerned with how long, after acknowledgment, it takes an operating

    system to service the interrupt.

  • User control用户控制

  • Reliability可靠性

  • Fail-soft operation故障弱化操作

Deadline Scheduling

RMS 最短周期任务具有最高优先级

文章作者: mohan li
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