Chapter 5
Performance Analysis
–CPI: Cycles per instruction
–clock period: seconds/cycle
–IPC: instructions per cycle
Throughput vs Response Time
•Response time (execution time) – the time between the start and the completion of a task
–Important to individual users
•Throughput (bandwidth) – the total amount of work done in a given time
–Important to data center managers
CPU Time
CPU Clocking
Clock period(周期): duration of a clock cycle
250ps = 0.25ns = 250×10–12s
Clock frequency (频率): cycles per second
4.0GHz = 4000MHz = 4.0×109Hz
Instruction Count and CPI
Weighted average CPI
Single-Cycle Processor
state elements
PC: program counter
I type
Multicycle Processor
What’s improved
read, write or alu operation in one cycle
different instruction adopts different cycle combination
only one adder and one memory, shared in different cycles
一个memory, 在不同周期使用.
Instruction cycle
machine cycle(CPU周期)
State Elements
Pipelined Processor
•Divide single-cycle processor into 5 stages:
Pipelined Processor Abstraction
(there is no building block conflict)
Pipelined Datapath
Same control unit as single-cycle processor
Data hazard:
register value not yet written back to register file
Data forwarding
Control Harzard
next instruction not decided yet (caused by branches)