Chapter 3(Digital Design and Computer Architecture)

Chapter 3

Sequential Logic Circuits

  • Give sequence to events
  • Have memory(short-term)
  • Use feedback from output to input to store information

State Elements

  • Bistable circuit
  • SR Latch
  • D Latch
  • D Flip-flop

Latch and Flip-flop

Bistable Circuit

SR Latch

D Latch

(Split value and time)

D Latch internal circuit

D Flip-Flop

D Flip-Flop Internal Circuit

When CLK = 0

  • L1 is transparent
  • L2 is opaque
  • D passes through N1

When CLK = 1

  • L1 is opaque
  • L2 is transparent
  • N1 passes through to Q

THUS, on the edge of the clock (when CLK rises from 0 to1 ), D passes through to Q.


Enabled Flip-Flops

Inputs: CLK , D, EN

  • EN = 1 : D passes through to Q on the clock edge
  • EN = 0 : the flip-flop remains its previous state

Resettable Flip-Flops

Two types:

  1. Synchronous : resets at the edge only
  2. Asynchronous : resets immediately when Reset = 1

Settable Flip-Flops

Inputs : CLK, D, Set

  • Set = 1 : Q is set to 1
  • Set = 0: the flip-flop behaves as ordinary D flip-flop

Synchronous Sequential Logic Design

Rules of synchronous sequential circuit:

  • Every circuit element is either a register or a combinational circuit
  • At least one circuit element is a register
  • All registers receive the same clock signal
  • Every cyclic path contains at least one register

Two common synchronous sequential circuits

  1. Finite State Machines (FSMs)
  2. Pipelines

Finite State Machine (FSM)

Consists of:

  • State Register
  • Combinational Logic


  • Moore FSM : Outputs depend only on current state
  • Mealy FSM : Outputs depend on current state and inputs

文章作者: mohan li
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